1. Gentle Christian Mothers-- This website has taught me the meaning of "gentle discipline" or "grace-based discipline", which is a method of teaching children that focuses on helping rather than punishing. I have also learned a lot about natural foods, health, and general crunchiness. :) Not to mention all the awesome mama's I have met there.
2. Flylady-- I'm not reading the emails anymore (they do get a bit overwhelming), but Flylady's persistent, "You can do anything for fifteen minutes" has changed the pace of our home. I don't feel like I have to spend a whole day keeping house. If I can just unload my dishwasher and throw in a load of laundry, I'm off to a great start!
3. Walk Slowly, Live Wildly-- I don't know if I can actually say that this blog changed my life, but it's my favorite, so I had to throw it in here. I could spend hours exploring Sara's blog and being inspired by her. Make sure you check out her sections on consumerism and the compact... totally inspiring!
4. The Story of Stuff-- We have greatly cut down on our conspicuous consumption after watching this video (noticing a trend here with the consumerism?). Totally worth the twenty minutes.
5. Keeper of the Home-- Stephanie has been teaching me (and a whole lot of other people) the basics of a whole foods diet. I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.
I hope you enjoy some of these!
Are there any websites that have revolutionized your thinking or changed your life? Leave a comment!
I'm humbled to have been included in your list. :) Great list, too! I'll have to check out some of those sites!