Hello there everybody! I'm sorry it has been so long since I've posted. We have been super super busy and blogging has been pretty low on the priority list.
After a terrible four day search for a home in our new town, we gave up. I jokingly mentioned that we should just get an R.V. to live in, since we will hopefully be moving back to our true heart home soon, and hubby went for it. So we bought an R.V.!!! We got rid of a ton of stuff, stored way too much, and moved into the R.V. We've been in it for a week today, so there's been lots to get used to. I don't have pics to share right now, but I promise I will soon.
Hubby is still in training for his job, so his schedule is sort of irregular. And our WiFi doesn't work very well here, so my posts will still be pretty far between for a couple weeks. After he gets started with a regular schedule I have been promised regular blogging time on his days off, so you'll hear from me a lot more often.
I am hoping to actually be able to regularly commit to my blog, growing and improving it. I don't want to overwhelm myself. My first job is wife and mommy, of course; but you can expect at least two posts a week. I've got lots of things going in my head about our purging of stuff, simplification, life in the RV, etc. I hope you'll subscribe and see me again soon!
you never cease to amaze me! :)